Analysis of possible quality changes of River Sava in the Vrhovo impoundment in average and extreme hydrological conditions with mathematical model, Master Thesis
- Authors: Irena Cvitanič
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 17, no. 25, pp. 5-66, 1999.
- Abstract: The river impoundment on the Sava River was formed as a consequence of the construction of the Vrhovo Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP). The river impoundment changed the natural water circulation of the Sava River, a disruption which is also reflected in the changed conditions of the biological and non-biological self-purification processes in the water. Thus, it influences the water quality of the Sava River. River impoundments can affect water quality positively or negatively. This Thesis deals with the eutrophication, biochemical and physical processes in rivers and lakes, the impacts of river impoundments, the theoretical base of mathematical modelling and the employed multiparametric one-dimensional model QUAL2E. The QUAL2E model was used to model and predict the possible changes in water quality in the impoundment. A sensitivity analysis provided insight into the model operation and showed how the results of the model change when changing separate parameters. Many model parameters were determined by calibrating the model in such a manner that the best agreement between the results of the model and the measured state was achieved. The model validation was performed using the results of the measurements in 1996 and 1998. Based on the results obtained, the model was used for the quantitative prediction of dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand in the Vrhovo impoundment for extreme and average hydrological conditions. With regard to the model results and field measurements performed at low discharges and under conditions of intensive primary production in the dam, it can be concluded that an excessive decrease in concentrations of dissolved oxygen which could have negative influence on the dammed water quality does not appear in the Vrhovo impoundment.
- Keywords: eutrophication, mathematical models, water quality modelling, surface water, hydroelectric power station Vrhovo
- Full text: Acta_25.pdf
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