Recent advances in flood hydrology – contributions to implementing the Flood Directive
- Authors: Günter Blöschl
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 29, no. 50, pp. 13-22, 2016.
- Abstract: Flood risk management has recently evolved from a focus on individual flood protection structuresto a more integrated approach at the river basin scale that considers a diversity of management options. Suitable methods are needed to assist in the implementation of these options. This paper reviews new methodological developments on the following themes: hazard mapping, large scale interactions of floods, residual risk (flood prevention); retaining water in the landscape, linear protection measures, flood retention (flood protection); flood warning, flood awareness, long term trends (flood preparedness). The new methods are intended to contribute to even more reliable and more efficient management of flood risks. The paper is dedicated to Professor Brilly on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
- Keywords: flood risk, flood management, flood hazard mapping, flood retention, flood warning, flood changes
- Full text: a29gb.pdf
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