The influence of sustainable measures on runoff hydrograph from an urbanized drainage area
- Authors: Maja Štajdohar, Mitja Brilly, Mojca Šraj
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 29, no. 51, pp. 145-162, 2016.
- Abstract: Urbanization changes the characteristics of a drainage area and alters the components of the natural hydrologic cycle. Runoff volumes increase, storm water runs off more quickly and consequently peak flows increase. The hydrological modelling system HEC-HMS was used to evaluate the effectiveness of different sustainable measures that manage rainfall where it falls, in reducing runoff volumes and peak flows on a small drainage area in the city center of Ljubljana. The results demonstrate that sustainable measures are more effective in reducing runoff volumes and peak flows for smaller and more frequent rainfall events. In the case of events with a return period of one year or less, the runoff volumes and peak flows reduction was approximately 45 %. On the other hand, in the case of an event with 100-year return period, the reduction of runoff volume and peak flow was only 12 % and 10 %, respectively.
- Keywords: sustainable measures, runoff, urbanization, infiltration, green roofs, hydrological modelling system HEC-HMS
- Full text: a29ms2.pdf
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