Optimisation of a high-water reservoir – a case study on flood protection for the town of Železniki using flood reservoir Pod Sušo
- Authors: Igor Mlakar, Matjaž Knapič, Gašper Rak
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 37, no. 66, pp. 79-102, 2024. https://doi.org/10.15292/acta.hydro.2024.05
- Abstract: Flood control reservoirs are one of the most effective flood prevention measures, as, in addition to improving flood safety, they can also incorporate environmental objectives to improve the ecological status of water bodies and riparian areas. Due to the lengthy processes of planning and coordinating project solutions with the requirements of all relevant stakeholders and experts, new flood events and their hydrological analyses have led to changes in the design discharges during this time, which require modifications and adaptations to the operating rules of flood control reservoirs. Using the Pod Sušo retention reservoir above Železniki in Slovenia as an example, this article presents the results of investigations aimed at optimising the reservoir’s operation based on new hydrological data, which show significantly higher peak discharge values above Q100 compared to the values used in previous planning phases. The model used to simulate different operating modes for flood events up to 500-year return period discharges is presented. The impact of each mode for different return periods of flood events was analysed using a full 2D hydraulic model of the downstream area, with damage assessed for each scenario based on flood depths and land use. The results indicate that the proposed operation of the flood retention basin can have a more favourable impact on downstream flood conditions and reduce material damage.
- Keywords: Flood hazard, mitigation measures, high-water reservoir, operation rules, flood damage assessment.
- Full text: a37im.pdf
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