Siporek: a computer program for simulating spills of hazardous chemicals in natural watercources
- Authors: Nataša Sirnik, Gregor Vilhar, Andrej Širca, Rudi Rajar, Dušan Žagar, Matjaž Četina
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 25, no. 43, pp. 117-127, 2012.
- Abstract: Siporek is a computer program that was developed as a quick modelling tool for calculating the consequences of spills of hazardous chemicals in rivers. Basically, it is a 1-dimensional model, but it also enables us to take into account narrow accumulations (as it is the case in hydroelectric power plant constructions on rivers); it can be used in all cases where the flow is not explicitly 2- or 3-dimensional. The modelling results are in the form of a concentration curve along the channel and the speed of propagation of pollutants; for each calculation a c-t or a c-x graph is drawn. Additionally to advection and dispersion, the model takes into account evaporation and mechanical spreading of pollutants. Siporek can be used for modelling all types of rivers that can be found in Slovenia: from fast mountainous to slower flatland rivers. It is also possible to take into account a simplified representation of dams and waterfalls and their impact on river flow.Siporek is a simple and user friendly program. It is written in C++, GUI is written in Qt 4.7. Computing time for one modelling case is about 1 second. Input data needed for computation are not many and not hard to acquire: simplified channel geometry data, channel slope, Manning's coefficient, discharge, data about pollutant spill dynamics. In general, a rectangular or a trapezoidal cross-section is used, while the axis of the watercourse is presented as a sum of linear segments with a uniform cross-section and constant parameter values. Moreover, to speed up the process of collecting the appropriate data in real cases, the chart of all Slovenian rivers broader than 5 m, on which all input parameters are shown, was prepared in advance.
- Keywords: computer program, spills of hazardous chemicals, rivers, propagation speed of pollutant, pollutant concentration
- Full text: a43ns.pdf
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