Geophysical, numerical and statistical methods as part of reviewing dam safety
- Authors: Emília Bednárová, Marian Minárik, Danka Grambličková, Peter Panenka
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 26, no. 44, pp. 27-35, 2013.
- Abstract: The first dams were built in Slovakia more than 500 years ago. Basic features of these historic hydraulic structures can also be seen in structures built later in the 20th century. Most dams were built from local materials. These are mostly heterogeneous earth-fill or rock-fill dams (Bednárová et. al., 2010). The determining factors of such choices are engineering-geological and geotechnical conditions of the natural environment. In their design, construction, operation and safety control the reliability of input data is crucial. The wide variability of geological conditions and methods for determining the properties of soils and rock materials plays a very important role. Besides common methodological approaches for solving these issues, complementary methods (geophysical, numerical and statistical) may also be applied. This article describes some case studies of applying such methods in Slovakia.
- Keywords: dam, geology, interaction, grouting curtain, efficiency, geophysics, numerical methods
- Full text: a44eb.pdf
- References:
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