Performance analysis of small wastewater treatment plants for mountain lodges
- Authors: Urban Čepon, Renato Babič, Boris Kompare, Tjaša Griessler Bulc
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 26, no. 45, pp. 71-84, 2013.
- Abstract: This paper presents the operation of seven small municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) at mountain huts all over Slovenia. The studied WWTPs were selected as a representative sample based on inventory of all WWTPs of Alpine Association of Slovenia. Performance efficiency of selected WWTPs was carried out on the basis of 20 parameters obtained by field measurements and laboratory analyses of wastewater, which was sampled in winter and summer. Together, we carried out 200 hours of field research in the mountains.Based on the assessment of the operation efficiency of selected WWTPs, proposals for their improvements were suggested. In addition to improvement proposals, the paper includes suggestions for Slovenian legislation complementation, proposals for engineers and planers, operators, producers, and suggestions for improvement and standardization of field measurements and sampling. This paper presents the first extensive survey of WWTP performance in the frame of Alpine Association of Slovenia and can serve as a basis for further studies of WWTPs at mountain huts, characterized by high fluctuations of influent wastewater.The paper presents research, primarily based on field work, the key results and describes the main findings and unanswered questions. It also presents the key changes in the frame of new Regulation (2012) regarding mountain huts or non-permanent inhabited buildings.
- Keywords: physical and chemical measurements, chemical analyses, small wastewater treatment plant, alpine environment, mountain lodges, performance efficiency, legislation
- Full text: a45uc.pdf
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