Impact of the river gate on the Ambrož Square on the temperature and oxygen conditions in the Ljubljanica River
- Authors: Klaudija Sapač, Katarina Zabret, Andrej Vidmar, Matej Sečnik, Mitja Brilly
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 27, no. 47, pp. 85-102, 2014.
- Abstract: The aim of the project Ljubljanica connects is to improve the habitat conditions of endangered fish species in the Ljubljanica River. Adequate living conditions in addition to river connectivity depend, among other things, on the physical and chemical characteristics of water (e.g. temperature, concentration of dissolved oxygen), which are monitored by continuous measurements. In this paper we analysed the measured parameters from two measuring stations, above and under the river gate on the Ambrož Square in Ljubljana. We analysed the data for water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations. For the measurement period between January 2013 and August 2014 we calculated the average monthly values of the two analysed parameters, calculated their interdependence and dependence of water temperature and air temperature. We verified the impact of the river gate on Ambrož Square on the concentration of dissolved oxygen under the gate. We found that the average monthly values of dissolved oxygen concentration above the gate are lower than concentrations under the gate for most of the analysed period. This shows the impact of turbulent flow under the gate. High negative linear correlation was observed between water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, while between air temperature and water temperature the linear correlation was highly positive. We note also that in the area of the gate, oxygen and temperature conditions are favourable for life of targeted fish species. With continuous measurements of water quality parameters at 17 monitoring sites along the Ljubljanica River we will be able to obtain a larger dataset.
- Keywords: Ljubljanica Connects, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, correlation, water level
- Full text: a47ks.pdf
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