Water-related sports activities in the Triglav National Park, Slovenia – Part 2 Climate change
- Authors: Urša Lotrič, Aleš Golja, Matjaž Mikoš
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 28, no. 48, pp. 17-38, 2015.
- Abstract: In recent decades, pronounced weather extremes more and more obviously indicate climate change, and with it significantly altered hydrological conditions are to be expected. The effects of these changes in Slovenia are varied with regard to geographical location; in the north-western part of the country, where the Triglav National Park is located, we expect air temperatures to rise, and the amount of precipitation and snow cover on average to decrease. Sudden and extreme weather events are becoming more common. The second part of the article presents the impact of expected climate change on the potential for development of water-related sports and recreation activities in the Triglav National Park. An essential part of this paper is to show climatological and hydrological variables in the Triglav National Park, which are considered important for the development of water-related sports, as well as their projected changes until 2030, determined using their trends based on measured values. In the conclusions we formed a set of proposals for a strategic sport-tourist orientation of the Triglav National Park in relation to expected climate change.
- Keywords: climate change, hydrology, Triglav National Park, water sports
- Full text: a48ul2.pdf
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