Measuring and modelling of runoff from two forested watersheds in Pohorje
- Authors: Urša Vilhar, Klemen Kestnar, Andrej Vidmar, Mojca Šraj
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 28, no. 48, pp. 49-64, 2015.
- Abstract: Forests have an important impact on surface runoff, since forest structure influences throughfall, canopy storage capacity, stemflow, evapotranspiration and soil infiltration capacity. Runoff from forested watersheds is also an important indicator of the hydrological function of forests. The paper deals with the influence of rainfall interception by forest on runoff in two small experimental watersheds of the upper Oplotnica River in Pohorje. In Pohorje systematical conversion of large areas of anthropogenic spruce monocultures to more natural mixed forests started already in early 1950s. Measured throughfall and drainage from two watersheds were compared and two runoff models were built in the HEC-HMS 4.0 program. The models were calibrated and validated using the measured precipitation and runoff. Throughfall was higher in Javorski watershed (92-94 % of incident precipitation) than in Lukanjski watershed (78-89 % of incident precipitation). Also, average flow rate was higher for the Javorski stream (9.7 ls-1) than for the Lukanjski stream (7.1 ls-1) despite similar size of both catchment areas (0.21 km2 for Lukanjski and 0.22 km2 for Javorski stream). Runoff models gave acceptable results for the vegetation period. Total precipitation losses amounted to 92 % and 95 % in Javorski and Lukanjski watershed, respectively.
- Keywords: runoff, throughfall, stemflow, experimental watershed, forest, HEC-HMS program, Picea abies, Fagus sylvatic
- Full text: a48uv.pdf
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