Observation of hydrological and social responses to extreme precipitation using post-flood investigations
- Authors: Marko Borga
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 29, no. 50, pp. 37-45, 2016.
- Abstract: The last decade has witnessed the development of methodologies for post-flood documentation of hydrological response to extreme precipitation. These investigations are particularly interesting in case of flash floods, whose space-time scale of occurrences makes observations with conventional hydro-meteorological networks a challenging task. Effective documentation of flash floods requires post-flood survey strategies encompassing accurate radar rainfall estimations, field observations of geomorphic processes associated with the flood, indirect reconstruction of peak discharges and interviews of eyewitnesses. This paper reviews new methodologies to conduct post-flood investigations based on interdisciplinary collaboration between social and physical scientists. These methods, designed to explore the link between crisis behavioural response and hydro-meteorological dynamics, aim at understanding the spatial and temporal capacities and constraints on human behaviours in fast evolving hydro-meteorological conditions. The paper is a tribute to Professor Brilly: a respected scholar, researcher, and educator.
- Keywords: flood risk, flash flood, flash flood hazards, flash flood vulnerability
- Full text: a29mb.pdf
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