Hydrological modelling of the karst Ljubljanica River catchment using lumped conceptual model
- Authors: Cenk Sezen, Nejc Bezak, Mojca Šraj
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 31, no. 55, pp. 87-100, 2018. https://doi.org/10.15292/acta.hydro.2018.06
- Abstract: Modelling rainfall runoff is important for several human activities. For example, rainfall runoff models are needed for water resource planning and water system design. In this regard, the daily runoff was modelled using the Genie Rural, a 4-parameter Journalier (GR4J), Genie Rural, a 6-parameter Journalier (GR6J), and the CemaNeige GR6J lumped conceptual models that were developed by the IRSTEA Hydrology Group. The main difference among the tested models is in the complexity and processes that are considered in the various model versions. As a case study, the non-homogeneous mostly karst Ljubljanica River catchment down to the Moste discharge gauging station was selected. Models were evaluated using various efficiency criteria. For example, base flow index (BFI) was calculated for the results of all tested models and observed discharges in order to compare low flow simulation performance. Based on the presented results we can conclude that in case of the non-homogeneous and karst Ljubljanica catchment the CemaNeige GR6J yields better modelling results compared to the GR4J and GR6J models. Compared to the GR6J and GR4J model versions, the CemaNeige CR6J also includes the snow module and improved methodology for the low-flow simulations that are also included in the GR6J model version.
- Keywords: lumped conceptual model, rainfall-runoff modelling, Ljubljanica River, calibration, validation.
- Full text: a31cs.pdf
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