Application of the Hargreaves method for calculating the potential evapotranspiration in the hydrological modelling
- Authors: Maja Koprivšek, Anja Vihar, Sašo Petan
- Citation: Acta hydrotechnica, vol. 34, no. 61, pp. 77-92, 2021.
- Abstract: To improve the results of the Slovenian Environment Agency’s hydrological forecasting system, especially in the river basins with lower specific runoff (Pomurje) and during high water events following a long dry period, we decided to find a good method for calculating daily values of the potential evapotranspiration (PET). We were deciding between several temperature-based methods for the daily reference evapotranspiration (ET0) values calculation. For selected meteorological stations we calculated ET0 using three different methods and then compared them to the ET0 values calculated using the much more complex Penman-Monteith method. Among the tested temperature methods the results given by the Hargreaves method fitted best to the results of the Penman-Monteith method. The reason for this may lie in the fact that the Hargreaves method, besides the mean daily air temperature as other temperature-based methods, considers the daily temperature range as well. Afterwards, considering the ground cover factor, we calculated the PET values from the ET0 values and then applied them in the hydrological modelling. The model setups for the Sava, Soča, and Mura Rivers were reanalysed twice, considering firstly the climatologic monthly PET values that were already used in the hydrological forecasting system of the Slovenian Environment Agency for many years, and, secondly the daily PET values calculated according to the Hargreaves method and using hourly air temperature 2 m above the ground, originating from the short-term weather forecasting model ALADIN or the INCA/AT meteorological system. At all selected calculation points, the model setups using daily PET values showed better performance over the model setups using climatological monthly values.
- Keywords: Hargreaves method, potential evapotranspiration, hydrological modelling, crop factor, hydrological forecasting system, model performance analysis.
- Full text: a34mk.pdf
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